The Coalition for Better Ads is working to improve the online ad experience for consumers.

They've conducted extensive research and have created the Better Ads Standards

David spoke with Brendan McCormick, spokesman for the coalition, about their report and what it means.

The ad standards are based on the Coalition’s extensive research, which has involved more than 66,000 consumers to date in countries representing 70% of global online advertising spending.

The research recently expanded globally and found that the online experience for the most- and least-preferred online ad experiences is pretty much universal,

The Better Ads Standards identify the ad experiences that fall beneath a threshold of consumer acceptability and are most likely to drive consumers to install ad blockers.

The Standards have been incorporated by a lot of advertisers and publishers. 

Approximately 70 publishers representing nearly 300 domains and 27 countries have certified compliance with the Coalition’s Standards and the requirements of the Better Ads Experience Program. And last fall, six leading programmatic ad exchanges committed to serving only ads compliant with the Better Ads Standards. Google Chrome has promoted adoption of the Standards by assessing the use of ads that violate the Standards and removing all ads for sites that don't.

These are the ad experiences that the coalition identified as below standard:

For desktop ads: pop-up ads, auto-play video ads with sound, prestitial ads with a countdown, and large sticky ads.

For mobile ads: pop-up ads, prestitial ads, ads with a density greater than 30%, flashing animated ads, auto-play video ads with sound, poststitial ads with a countdown, full-screen scroll over ads, and large sticky ads.

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You can find the Coalition for Better Ads report and research at