David [00:00:00] Ideas are everywhere. Welcome to Lessons Learned in Marketing, the Phenix Group podcast. I am your host, David Bellerive. Today, my guest is Lang McGlip from Insightrix. Marketers in Saskatchewan certainly know Insightrix, a research firm. And you should know about SaskWatch, their online community. Throughout the pandemic Insightrix has been reaching out to their SaskWatch online community and doing regular check ins, checking in with Saskatchewan and seeing how we're coping. And that's what I'm going to talk to Lang about today. Enjoy the conversation. Lang, it's great to talk to you.
Lang [00:00:41] Thanks for having me. It's a pleasure.
David [00:00:44] My pleasure. It's so it's so good to connect with people. It feels like I've been been separated from the world in so many different ways. But it's really great to connect.
Lang [00:00:53] I'm getting a good view of my back yard over the last several months.
David [00:00:58] Isn't that the truth? Yeah. Yeah. I really want to mix things up. So I'm really happy to be talking to you, because Insightrix did something. Well, maybe first I should get you to introduce yourself. So if anyone doesn't know who Lang is, who you are. And you're what you're what you're about.
Lang [00:01:16] For sure. Yeah. So my name is Lang McGilp research director with Insightrix Research based in Saskatoon. Been here for I think I'm just past 13 years. So it's been been a while working with the organization.
David [00:01:30] Yeah. And we've had the pleasure of working together quite a lot over the years. I enjoy working with Insightrix. I was really I was really excited to see this, I guess this survey or temperature taking of Saskatchewan that you guys started and it started right at the beginning of the pandemic. You called it a Coping, kind of giving us a barometer of what was happening in Saskatchewan. Tell me about, you know, what did you set out to do and how did how did you go about it?
Lang [00:02:04] For sure. And, you know, this is kind of one of those things that was an idea off the cuff when everything started kind of going sideways. And it's kind of grown into more than what we ever maybe thought it might have, might have been. But, you know, I think it was Friday, the 13th of March was when things all started going kind of crazy and, you know, felt like 9/11 and that we weren't working anymore. We were just watching the next news alert and whatnot. Next week, you know, people started going home and were like, holy crow, what's going on? Clients started contacting us and talking about, you know, first off, yet we're still here. Second of all, you know, should we continue doing our studies that are currently in field and what do we do about the ones going forward? And so it was just so new and different for everyone. We kind of realized maybe we should actually start doing some weekly pulse check on how people are coping with things. It's new to all of us. Like I said, so, you know, where is their mindframe? And we thought this would be helpful. It just out of curiosity to kind of know how it's going through this ride. But also be helpful context for us to be able to help support our clients when they ask questions. Well, what are things like? How are things going? And are people willing to be bothered to do a survey or something like that? So it wasn't really, you know, centered on- on the enterprise nature of it. It was an honest kind of curiosity. And just for all of us even to relate to and I can kind of admit I've seen a couple of questions on this, this thing on a weekly basis that are a little bit closer to my heart because I've got young kids. So I want to know how things are going for others with that. So.
David [00:03:43] Well, that's always good, because whatever you're feeling often, you know, it's projected into the into the rest of the province. I want to know when do you- because you started it back in March and then you've continued it every week. Was that your thinking right from the start that you would do this check?
Lang [00:04:01] We definitely said let's do it weekly for the first little while, I'm kind of see what happens. I think we've run it far longer than we thought we might have. But each week continues to prove to provide interesting and helpful information. I think our original idea was just to maybe do it for three or four weeks. But again, like we're all going into something that we had no clue what it would be like. So, you know, it's it's it's had more interest and longevity over time. Every week we continue to have people asking to be part of the distribution list to receive the information. We hear anecdotal stories of people using it to help make decision making, whether it's more in the provincial government side or even municipally or some of our clients. So I think the key is to keep it relevant and helpful but it's it's something that's been really working well for us.
David [00:04:53] So let me ask you this, because I want to get into your insights on on sort of the how Saskatchewan's feeling and how we've changed or not changed maybe over the course of this. But as - from a marketing point of view, we hear you are giving something away. That's probably a quite value and maybe a lot of your clients or new clients would come to you and actually pay you for this. But I mean, as a marketing tool it seems it seems like what a great way to showcase what you're doing and what your capabilities are. On the other hand, was there a bit of a push to go? You know, this is sort of valuable right now.
Lang [00:05:34] I guess some of those ideas have floated around. Like I said at the beginning, I think it was really more out of curiosity of the information where people are at, to really help us advise our clients. It's it's there is definitely, I think, real value in this information. Could we get some people to go out and purchase this, you know, and hire us to do this? I'm sure we could. But things move so quickly and we're sort of all in this together. And, you know, a lot of organizations were doing things in just the greater good for for the community and for us as human kind that I think this falls more into that bucket for for us. And while there is some some good insight that's being shared with others, that could have been, you know, a fee for service thing, that's not a concern to us. That's not where we are saying, gee, I wish that so.
David [00:06:24] It's cool. I know you've done stuff like this before where you've teased out information or even shared openly some of your insights or what's happening in the province. And it is from a marketing point of view, really great to see and sort of remind you that, oh, only have one Insightrix is there. They know the province really well. And two, I didn't know that. We've used your your barometer quite a bit with clients, just sort of, you know, give them a sense of, hey, you know, this is this is how the province is feeling right now.
Lang [00:06:53] Oh, that's great. That's good to hear. Appreciate that.
David [00:06:56] Now tell me. Let's get into how we are feeling. Has a province. So I remember from the very beginning to the very end. Some things have changed a lot and some things haven't. Now we've gone from maybe being a little bit anxious to not so anxious. Overall— like when you look at the big picture, what what do you kind of take away from what you've seen so far?
Lang [00:07:18] I think at the beginning there's a very high level of uncertainty and anxiousness and not knowing what's going on where we're at. So there's like almost a tense up. You know, everyone's stopped doing anything and everything. Just sort of hunkered down. Watched the news very closely as to the every little next step going forward. You know, we saw after about maybe a month, there was a little bit of a reprieve. People thought, oh, this might not be as bad as what I kind of imagined it could be. So we saw a little bit of a loosening up. And since then, there's been sort of like baby steps of comfort and lower stress levels and all those kinds of things a little bit better self reported of mental health. And once the government started going into their phased approaches, we're starting to see as each phase goes by that there is a little bit more relaxation. And I think that just speaks to the the trust and believability of the messaging that's being given to us by those who are experts trying to deal with this.
David [00:08:21] So I'm starting, I guess, with week two, you kind of I'm going to go back to the marketing part of this for a second. You started to lock into a kind of a look and feel for this and presenting the information and more consistently, I guess I would say.
Lang [00:08:36] Yes.
David [00:08:36] And it stayed that way right through. How did that come about and how important is it how you're thinking about presenting information?
Lang [00:08:45] Well, it's it's very important. So, you know, in week one, we are scrambling to just get the questions together and then get them out. So it was really a bit of a smash and grab job. I can take credit for week one being my poor technical skills graphing and that kind of thing. But afterwards, we've got, you know, a visual specialist within our organization who's really great at building infographics and things like that that we do for our clients. So it seemed like a perfect opportunity. And she works in our marketing area. In fact, she heads it up. And so she took a look at what we had. And what you see is is her creation and invention. Little bit of back to back and forth feedback. And we refine and tweak things along the way. But this is largely her visual approach. And I love it. It looks fantastic. Each week she comes up with something that's even more cool than the week before to share and get feedback on, particularly as we add new questions. But in terms of how important it is, it's critical because I don't know about you, but I've been bombarded with tons of information from many organizations about what's going on with COVID and how there's these changes- these real world changes and all that sort of things will not go back to before. So, I think the saturation point hit pretty high pretty early on. So but one of the feedback pieces I'm getting is, well, this is short, concise, it's fresh. It's a little different than all the others. Some of them are a little bit talk a bit about the gloomy Gus or kind of negative things, whereas we've always tried to have more of a positive spin on what's going on here. So I think that's injected into the visual presentation.
David [00:10:29] It's it's so helpful because I know always. I get this and other people in our staff get this and clients get this, we always think everyone thinks the same way we think ourselves, right? It's all it's so hard to say, oh, wait a minute. Not everyone's feeling the same way I'm feeling. One thing I love is a word clouds. And of course, the word cloud is the first thing you have on there. I don't know what it is about those things that just make it give you a snapshot of, you know, wow, this is OK. This is sort of summarizes everything. I see it all here. And we've been happy, good and tired for quite a while now on your word cloud.
Lang [00:11:09] Now, I think, you know, I don't know if people have sleeping disorders or just regular life is just makes them pretty exhausted and fatigued. But tired is definitely a common word. I eventually did this a year ago. You would have seen happy, good and tired as well.
David [00:11:25] Oh. Do you think that's just sort of who we are as a province?
Lang [00:11:29] Well, I think that's maybe just who we are as a people. We keep ourselves busy and then we're a tuckered out by the end of the day. But you're right. I mean, at the very beginning, I don't have my first word cloud handy, but it's it was very much of an anxious, concerned, stressed. And those kinds of sort of knee jerk reaction words. As the weeks went on, we started seeing words like frustrated materializing. And, you know, although the word tired thereby, I think was more of like tired of just all this stuff. And now it might be more just the generic tired of you know, I've I've I mean, a lot of us, we're still working. Right. So fortunately. And so, you know, it's we've adapted to working at home and, you know, we're tuckered out.
David [00:12:13] Yeah, it's a different it's a different kind of tired when you're working at home for sure. And then two the other consistent pieces where what I call the happy meter and the stress meter. I don't know if that's you guys.
Lang [00:12:25] But, yeah, you know, this one was interesting because I really didn't know where the the self reported, like, we're calling it your mental health, but it really is kind of the happy meter of it because the scale is very happy to very unhappy or very sad, rather. And so, you know, it started out at fifty five percent saying that they are very or somewhat happy. And, you know, I hadn't done that calculation or that question before the pandemic arrived. So we didn't really have a reference point for it. So I was kind of cautious about saying where it was going to go. That one really hasn't moved too much. It's been slowly inching up. And now or, you know, up in I think actually at a record for our current week here and just hitting close to 70 percent who are saying happy. So it's taken a number of weeks to go from 55 to 70. And each week it's like it's two or three points up at the most. So it hasn't been a big shift or something that might look very dramatic, but you need to look at it over that time period. So I think that does say that we are feeling better as a people, happier. The stress one sort of that comment at the beginning, the first couple of weeks were really quite high, 80 percent or so saying that they are very or somewhat stressed. It dropped into the mid 60s for about a month, kind of up and down. Then it dropped into the low 60s and now we've hit into the 50s. So I think, again, we're seeing it's almost like people are letting off on the gas pedal, a little bit of the fight fright kind of like, oh, my goodness, what's going on now? We're kind of coasting down a little bit. That's it.
David [00:13:57] Yeah. That's a good point, you don't really don't know where we're kind of our our our base line is where all of this. What would you from all your experience guess it would be around like you.
Lang [00:14:09] For the stress point of view?
David [00:14:11] Or either happy or.
Lang [00:14:14] Well, I think.
David [00:14:15] I know. I know. Researchers love to take. Yes, I know.
Lang [00:14:19] No, we don't. I mean, I think on the stress side, you know, most people are in that somewhat stressed versus very stressed. And I think we. A lot of us create an element of that, even if we don't realize we're doing that. Because I know for me that helps motivate me to do what I'm you know, I need to get done for the end of each day or whether it's work or personal related things. So, you know, I think there's always going to be an element of stress like we're at, you know, about, like I said, the mid 50s. I don't see it dropping too much. I don't think we could go below 50. But, you know, I'll say that now. And then three weeks from now, I'll look at it and I'll say, darn it David, why did you make me say that number?
David [00:15:00] Yeah.
Lang [00:15:01] On the mental health, I think, you know, we're probably getting close to where it would be most, you know, in that kind of low to mid 70s kind of range.
David [00:15:09] So have you seen others doing this sort of research in other provinces? And do you have a sense of at all how Saskatchewan feels versus other places? I feel like we've been doing really well as far as, you know, flattening the curve and doing all that.
Lang [00:15:28] Like I said, there's a lot of other companies, other presenting information, but it doesn't seem to hit on the exact same questions. At least I haven't come across too many that that I've done that I haven't done an extensive search. But, you know, I've talked to other professionals who see our work that we partner with, and they're like, this is unique. This is different. This is spinning the positive story. And it feels like, you know, one in particular, I work with a fellow from British Columbia and he's like, we're doing really well, too. But this is this is showing you guys are in a great place.
David [00:16:03] Yeah, The other one that I found fascinating was the outlook. So you're asking people, you know, what's your outlook? And this one, I thought moved. It's been moving quite a. Like just bouncing quite a bit. It's quite your take on.
Lang [00:16:18] It is quite dynamic. This is almost like an airplane going up and going down and whatnot. And the reason this one is important is because this speaks to consumer confidence. And so. And also your your your context on your mood. So at the beginning, you know, we we saw that we all going home and all this stuff is happening. So we had 62 percent said things are getting worse. Like in the weeks ahead, it's going to get worse like that. I've never seen a number that high before. Like, we often I've used this question before on. Do you think the economy will get better or worse and all that sort of stuff? And it's it's never been something so dramatic as that. But after about three weeks or so, that dropped to 17 percent. If you think about so many people thought it's going to get worse. So we are kind of going down. And then when we head towards maybe the bottom, we had a lot of people saying, well, things are going to stay the same. Well, you have to take them in context of that's the same as in pretty crappy. You know, we're sitting in this lousy situation. And what we've seen building over the last few, probably the last month, is more and more people saying things are getting better. They're going to get better. They're going to get better. So we're kind of climbing out. And most recently, a game we have a spike in people saying things are going to stay the same. But again, in that context, we climbed out of the hole and now were, you know, plateauing at this better position. Now, is that of, you know, is it like my investments or is it like a full recovery? What things were like where before all this happened? Well, maybe not. But, you know, it's it's definitely a lot better than one that used to be so.
David [00:17:48] Have you thought about if there's any correlation between kind of events that are happened that happened in the province and that, bouncing up and down.
Lang [00:17:56] Yeah. When stuff started happening in the far north and there was a spike of cases there. That's when we saw a spike in people saying things were going to start to get worse. I was about early May. I think it was if my dates are correct and we saw fewer people saying things are going to get better, that draw from forty one to thirty one. Things getting worse jumped up from about 18 to 25. So it kind of slipped up and then, you know, it sort of stabilized a little bit after that. So I think this is one that is most susceptible and sensitive to things that are going on. You know, we haven't seen much in the way of I know there hasn't been too much activity with in terms of the protests that we saw a few weeks ago, but we didn't really see that materialize here in terms of our province.
David [00:18:41] And then you have kind of presented— I guess a variety of questions that seemed to change week to week. And what have you learned or seen that's kind of surprised you in all of those?
Lang [00:18:59] Yes. We asked a lot of different kinds of questions. And that's partly of what's what's keeping it kind of kind of interesting and fresh. You know, one of them is comfort level and doing different kinds of activities. And they sort of break into categories of doing stuff that's more social, such as seeing immediate family, extended family, friends, those kinds of things. How comfortable are you doing things that are more, say, medical or personal service related haircuts, dentist, you know,.
David [00:19:30] Dentists took a big hit there at one.
Lang [00:19:35] And then we add some more. I guess consumerism things, you know, restaurants, going to the mall and other things that help stimulate the economy. And then a few other items that were a little bit more high touch like crowded indoor spaces and going to the gym and other things. And so, you know, there's a huge range like I think our first week at ranged from about sixty five percent comfortable doing, you know, seeing immediate family to going to a movie theater gym was down to like 15 percent. So that's a huge, huge range. And again, not something that we often see in research often or graphs kind of, you know, have a little some like a slug slide. You can't see my hands waving in the air here, but they decline going on. But this one was like all over the map. And but the interesting thing is they've all gone up by roughly the same amount in terms of comfort level, about fifteen to twenty five points of increase in comfort level doing these activities. One of the interesting things I find is that younger people are more comfortable doing these things than older people are, which maybe isn't a surprise considering who the virus seems to be more susceptible to target. But when you compare demographics to the previous questions in terms of stress and outlook and how concerned should we be about the virus, the younger people are more concerned, but they're also more comfortable to do these things. So there's there's a little bit of a conundrum there is that the young person I'm invincible kind of thing, or is it perhaps the younger people may have been the ones more impacted by a job disruption or layoffs and things like that? You know that that's why they're concerned over here. But they're also perhaps more socially active in general. So it's kind of an interesting thing to watch. The other one that was a little more close to my heart was how effective was this home studying? I got two kids in grades eight and seven. And I think if you got really young kids, it's it's certainly challenging to work at home and keep them occupied. But perhaps the academics is comparatively less important. When you get kids who are in high school, they can probably do a little bit more self directed study and academics is important. But I'm kind of in the middle group where the skill set to go and do some of this stuff on your own is requires more parental nudging. And we're starting to get more important than getting the academics done because only you hit the high school it's a different world. Right? But what I found was that there was a lot of people who felt, you know, it really wasn't very effective. So I felt a lot better in my books and we even had a number of people who've, you know, less just under 10 percent who said, I never even bother trying to do this at home study thing. And another 10 percent or so who gave up even doing it after trying it for a few weeks because, you know, you got parents working from home and trying to keep the kids doing this stuff. So, yeah, that one was, I think, a bit more helpful validation for me personally.
David [00:22:38] Well, for sure. I think for everyone to get to know that, you know, if you're struggling at something, it's not just because you're you're struggling. It's just —it's really hard to do. Yeah, it's good. It's good to have that affirmation. Another thing I've found fascinating was I think it was sometime in May you asked about the importance of shopping local. And I was surprised at how big the how big or how how much people wanted to support that or thought that was very important.
Lang [00:23:08] Yeah, I think there's been a lot of recognition. And I mean, the whole shop local has been something that's been percolating for a couple of years now. There's been messaging out there that people sort of, I suppose you heard of. But I think this has really brought to light the importance of the local smaller businesses play in in our economy and the dynamic nature of our life. You know, in terms of those those streets that we drive down or whatever. Right. So I am I thought that it was high. I think part of it is. Well, I know it's important. I ought to say yes. But I think there's a here. Yeah. There's maybe a little inflation there of that. But I also think that it is people are recognizing the importance of that and getting out and supporting those local businesses. I mean, we've been forced to purchase online for a bunch for a while now. But, you know, even even a couple weeks ago, we asked intend to do things locally, once phase three hit, you know, go to a restaurant, go to a shopping mall. And those numbers were fairly high. I don't have them in front of me, but I think it was in the 50 percent range of people saying, I plan to do that in the next week or so.
David [00:24:18] Now, you raise an interesting point. And that was, you know, sometimes we we answer how we think we should say something as opposed to what we would really actually do. How much of that how much of that did you find or do you find this is any different than normal? Or is it you always put that kind of caution on everything.
Lang [00:24:38] Certain kinds of quite as a really good question. Are there certain kinds of questions that you need to put the B.S. meter on and others that that, you know, are probably a little bit more legitimate? So things like concern or those items are ones where you would be trusting the data a little bit more. Anything that's future intention oriented, anything you plan to do going forward is always suspect to people maybe overstating. And it might even be they have full intention, but then life gets busy and things get in the way. And, you know, yeah, I'm totally willing to go into a shopping mall, but, you know. And then I'm not really having a reason or, you know, friends came over or, you know, realized I needed to do this or that. And so there's no commitment to saying, yes, I'll buy that in the future or yes, I'll go do that in the future. So those are the ones that are most susceptible to, I think, overestimation or even interest. And, you know, you do a survey on, hey, here's this new product. How interested are you in it or how interested would you be taking this new course? You know, the numbers are high and it's you've got to sort of ratchet back because that's the one where things often are deviating.
David [00:25:48] Right. Yeah. You know, you're in a different situation when you're actually making that that actual call. Yeah. So I wouldn't normally do this, but yeah. You guys ask the questions. So we have an election coming up. And you did ask you did ask sort of you know how did the government do on this? How did we how did the government do on this? Or how are people feeling about the province's reaction?
Lang [00:26:11] You know, it's actually very strong. I think people felt that it was really well put together in terms of the plan and what not. Some people felt like it was maybe going a little slower than they would like to see. But I think, by and large, people felt that the government had laid out the right path and pace. So, you know, whether that was I think there's probably a lot of work that went in to figure that out. But when we're in this again, in this pandemic situation, I think people are quite trusting of the elected officials and the leaders that that are experts in these areas to follow their advice. That's what we've seen so far. I mean, you know, we'll see how things carry on forward. But to this point, it's, I think, been the high level of support in that regard.
David [00:27:00] What would you expect if something if something really horrible happens? Would definite mood go from woah— I thought it was good but we've been doing way too fast all of a sudden. Would that shift dramaticall? or do you think people would would take it in context. I guess that's a lot of speculation. I'm asking you to.
Lang [00:27:20] No for sure but we've got one question that's going to come out on our barometer today, which was what— and I ask this in an open ended fashion of what are the most important things we need to be worried about or thinking about in the next, you know, couple months. And in part of this was to identify where our peoples like where they are concerned about, because then maybe those are things we can ask in a more closed ended way in the future and trend or track. But one of the things that came out in that, and it was an open ended comment where people just type texts and then we review and put them together into buckets, but is keep the communication flowing, keep constant updates on where things are at. And I think, you know, regardless if something really poor unfolds or unfortunate takes place. I think the communication is going to be a real key component of that, because if there's not enough transparency or good communication with everyone about it, that's when you can find some resentment or frustration building in if it's like a second wave. And it was caused due to, don't know, schools or flight landing in Regina and, you know, a bunch of people were infected or whatever. I think there is this recognition that this is new for everyone. We're all learning from it. We just need to quickly be aware and adapt to make changes. So I think that's probably more how they're going to evaluate is basically in the communication and how we how they respond. They the broader they.
David [00:28:48] The big they. So as you look, you probably learn something from every piece of research you do. What is the what have you learned or what would sort of take away as a learning from what you've what you've seen so far.
Lang [00:29:04] I think we are hearty, resilient people.
David [00:29:09] Well, you knew that.
Lang [00:29:09] Well, we knew that. I mean, but I think we really are. Because it's like this is all a big roller coaster that we are all on. And, you know, some people and a lot more impacted than others. And I think this just shows that, yeah, this is stressful. We can't quite figure this out. But keep carry on and move forward. And I don't know if that's unique to Saskatchewan, but that's something I think it just for me, restated or showed that resilience. And I also think that it does show that there's trust in terms of, you know, the messaging and the decisions that have been presented to us from those in authority. You know, you hear reports of other countries that tend to not believe in their governments or just ignore the messaging. I think particularly here in Saskatchewan, but in Canada, we've been better at that than other countries. And we even see that in, you know, once Phase three opened up or passed comfort level and doing things like restaurant and and shopping mall went way up like those ones jumped like 15, 20 percent that week, because now it's allowed to do that kind of thing. And if the government says it's OK for me to do, I guess it probably is OK. I mean, again, it's not universal when from probably 35 to fifty or fifty five percent. So there's still a lot who wouldn't do it. But I think that's the biggest jump we've seen on those kind of items. And it was related to when that policy change happened.
David [00:30:38] We typically in Saskatchewan good at following rules like if that sort of like, oh wow.
Lang [00:30:45] I think that's a really braod question
David [00:30:46] I wish people could see her face right now.
Lang [00:30:49] That's a pretty broad question. Are we law abiding? No, I think that I think there's an element of there's there's probably a real strong side of that. But, you know, there's also a challenge where the status quo. I mean, we're a province with a lot of entrepreneurship and creative ideas that emerge and stuff. And so that's challenging, you know, what's been presented to them.
David [00:31:15] We have that history of kind of what's good for the greater good or do what's good for the greater good. Yeah, right. On your point about being hardy I laugh, because there is my favorite post that I've seen and it's gone around quite a bit, was the two voices, one saying, Canada, we need to flatten the curve. And Saskatchewan's response was. Hold my beer.
Lang [00:31:36] Oh, that's awesome.
David [00:31:39] Yeah, we're all kind of proud of what we should be proud of, what we've accomplished, so.
Lang [00:31:43] Absolutely.
David [00:31:45] Lang, thanks so much. Is there— how can people who are not receiving these this barometer receive it?
Lang [00:31:54] Yes. So it might seem the an old school approach. We haven't been putting this up on on our website, per say. So it would just be a matter of reaching out to us and and we would be happy to put someone on that list. So you can just chuck my email address out there for folks.
David [00:32:14] All right. I will add it to the show notes and and I guess your web site or when where if you want to learn more about Insightrix, if they don't already know, I can't imagine. But. It's Insightrix.
Lang [00:32:29] Insightrix.com
David [00:32:31] Yeah, that's awesome. No, no. Thank you again Lang. And have. I hope you have a great weekend. Look forward to seeing a lot more of these in learning about our province. Fascinating.
Lang [00:32:41] Right on. That sounds great. Well, again, thanks so much and have a good weekend.